It’s officially summer and I’m sure we’ve all been on a couple of runs already where the weather has caught us by surprise. I went on one last week that felt way too hard after 10 minutes and spent the remaining 30 minutes coming up with ‘summer training tips’.

Here are some of the best I remember from that run;

1. Run in the morning - avoid the heat
Check the weather forecast, pre plan and get up early to avoid that unpleasant afternoon heat.
2. Avoid direct sunlight
Run under shade, along tree lined paths or trails where possible.
3. Wear a hat
Problem - Hats can make it feel like the heat from escape from your head.
Solution -  Get yourself a breathable, lightweight running hat (Ciele & Fractel are two cool brands) and soak it in cold water before & during your run. Also helps avoid direct sunlight.
4. Stay cool
How about a wet t-shirt or singlet over the crop top? A cooling scarf (Kathmandu - google it)?
Even those running buffs everyone was wearing for COVID, well I’m sure that’d feel great, freezing cold, around your neck on a hot day.
5. Hydrate constantly
Doesn’t have to be anything special here, just get into the habit of drinking more water throughout the day, every day, across summer. Don’t wait til your feeling thirsty on a run.
6. Adjust your pacing expectations
How you feel running at 5:30/km on a still 12 degree morning, will be completely different to running 5:30/km on a windy 30 degree afternoon. When it’s hot, just get the done, don’t worry about pace. You are not becoming ‘unfit’ during the summer if you’re still getting out for runs.
You’ll be amazed how easier everything feels when the cooler autumn weather comes.
7. Don’t run in the heat with a hangover
Personal experience says don’t do it. Heat, dehydration & a hangover is a shocking combination. Plan out your running schedule around your Christmas party/summer drinking schedule. Be smart.
8. Post run recovery & hydration
The best post ‘hot’ run feeling you’ll ever have is chugging down an ice cold sports drink and jumping into the swimming pool, ocean or river. I hope you’ve got a holiday coming up where you can look forward to this combination after nailing a session from your Run Rabbit program.
It’s important to replace energy lost during training, especially heat training. As well as cold drinks soon after you finish, have something to eat within the first 30 minutes too.

Enjoy the summer of running!

Run Rabbit Coach