Doing a fun run event for the first time will be an awesome experience, which will leave you on the couch for the afternoon browsing websites, deciding which one to do next. It can however be a daunting experience in the lead up and on the day of the event if you don’t know what to expect. Also, if you’re worried that you’re going to ‘finish last’ and ‘fun runs are for fitness freaks’, I promise you that ‘you won’t and they’re not’.

So, here’s 7 tips to get you through your first fun run like you’re doing it for the 100th time;

1. Register early
Due to public gathering restrictions, it's now common for events to sell out before the event day.
It also gives you plenty of time to train with a firm goal in mind.

2. Arrive at the race at least 45 - 60 minutes early
Parking is going to be difficult for larger events and the last thing you want to do before a fun run is rush around and stress - that's not fun. 

3. Wear your warm gear to the event
Most events have a 'bag drop' tent where they'll keep your things safe whilst you’re running.

4. Go to the bathroom early
Goes without saying, everyone wants to do a nervous pee between 5-20 mins before the gun goes, get there 30-40 mins before. 

5. Get the to start line early
10 minutes before the start time is best.  

6. Aim to pass people in the second half of the run
it's always a huge confidence booster if you can go slower at the start and keep passing people as the run goes on. 

7. Enjoy the run!
Wave to everyone who cheers you on and take in the views.

To check out upcoming fun run events, see www.runningcalendar.com.au or email coach@runrabbit.com.au for a recommendation.
We’ll help you out with a training program to help you achieve your fun run goals!

Run Rabbit Coach